About us
Shaolin Luohan Temple – 少林羅漢堂
Shaolin Temple Quafa Institutes – 少林拳法学院

Shaolin Luohan Temple is a Canadian-registered charity organization that has been operating since 2007 in Markham, Ontario. In the same year, Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute (STQI) was established in Markham to begin classes and training for students. Then, the Government of Canada formally recognized the Shaolin Luohan Temple as a charitable organization in 2009.
Master Shi Guo Song is the 34th generation Shaolin Monk from the Shaolin Temple of Songshan Mountain in the Henan province of China. He established Shaolin Luohan Temple in Canada in hopes of improving the physical and mental well being of one’s health through sharing the skills, knowledge, and culture embodied in the Shaolin spirit. The Shaolin Luohan Temple also believes in offering an inclusive and safe environment that welcomes all races, gender, and age.
Under the umbrella of Shaolin Luohan Temple, Master Shi Guo Song founded the Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute (STQI), which offers Shaolin Wushu (Kung Fu), Qi Gong, and meditation classes. Focusing on the Shaolin “ Chàn” methodology, the movements within Shaolin Kung Fu can promote hand-eye coordination, nourish the mind and wellbeing, as well as elevate one’s wisdom through meditation.
Within Master Shi Guo Song’s 14 years in Canada, he has already trained over one thousand students, with many participating in community events and programs over the past few years. Our students have also taken part in a variety of Canadian Kung Fu Championships, as well the International Competitions offered in America each year returning with over 30 awards each time from various categories in hand and weapon forms.
In 2014, 35 students from the Markham, Toronto, and Montreal schools travelled to Zhengzhou, China to compete in the 10th International Shaolin Wushu Festival, which attracted over 1870 athletes from over 63 countries. Our students excelled in their performances and were able to bring home over 60 medals back to Canada.
Again in 2016, 9 of our students from the Markham school travelled to Zhengzhou, China to compete in the 11th International Shaolin Wushu Festival. Competing against 1500 other athletes, our students were able to secure over 30 medals for Canada.
In 2018, we had 51 students compete at the 13th Hong Kong International Wushu Competition that hosted over 2000 athletes. Our team brought home over 130 medals, including the overall Best Sports Team Award. We want to also congratulate five of our students for winning the Best Athlete Award. We are also very proud of one student for securing 5th place in Group B Men’s All-Rounded Performance, and one of our three-year-old students for winning the Kung Fu Wonder Kid Award.
Since our establishment in 2007, Master Shi Guo Song alongside his disciples and students have always valued giving back to the community through offering volunteer services in coaching Qi Gong, stretching and meditation exercises to the elderly and those with an illness.
Our Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute (STQI) headquarters is located in Markham, which is run by Master Shi Guo Song. Under the direction of Master Shi Guo Song, disciple Shi Chang Xin operates his own school in St. Jerome near Montreal, disciple Shi Chang Dao runs his school in downtown Toronto, while disciple Shi Chang Chuan operates in Scarborough. Master Shi Guo Song also has students opening their own schools, including Mark Recile’s in Milton, and Alan Phung’s in Hinton, Alberta.
*** To learn more about each STQI branch school, please visit their respected sites for further details. ***
少林羅漢堂”是一間加拿大註冊慈善機構位於安省萬錦市。釋果松師父於2007年在加拿大多倫多成立“少林羅漢堂”非牟利慈善機構,於2009年正式被加拿大政府認可為非牟利慈善機構。並於2007年創辦了“少林寺拳法學院” 開班授徒。
釋果松師父 (中國嵩山少林寺第三十四代弟子), 成立“少林羅漢堂”非牟利慈善機構,其宗旨是宣揚少林佛家慈悲精神和功夫文化,去改善大眾的身體質素.致力幫助貧困弱小,幫助病患人士。
2016年,9名學生前往中國鄭州參與第十一屆中國鄭州國際少林武術節功夫比賽, 與來自世界各地超過1,500位運動員比賽,取得優異成績超過獎牌六十多枚。
自2007釋果松師父與其弟子活躍於幫助社區提供義務輔導氣功, 拉筋運動和靜坐予長者和病患者。遵從師訓,弟子釋常心自我成立了滿地可學校, 弟子釋常道自立了學校於多倫多市, 弟子釋常傳自我成立了士嘉寶學校,學生Mark Recile自設學校於Milton , 學生Alan Phung自設學校於Hinton。
*** 有關少林拳法學院 (STQI)資料,可到學校網站查閱。