Shi Guo Song 釋果松师父

一九九二年 隨嵩山少林寺“少林佛教文化代表團”出訪新加坡進行佛教武術文化交流。
一九九三年 获得“全中国南北少林武术大会演”男子刀术第一名。
一九九五年 随少林武僧团出访加拿大參與多元文化节於多倫多,滿地可,愛民頓,溫哥華作巡迥演出。
一九九六年 於中國河南登封创辦“少林寺拳法学院”以弘扬传播少林正宗拳法。
一九九七年 受日本少林拳法联盟邀请,出访日本少林拳法联盟成立50周年大會作武術文化交流。
一九九八年 出访意大利进行少林功夫表演,教学。
一九九八年 被少林寺选为“少林十大名拳”拳师之一,获“少林十八罗汉”称号。 并参加电视教学片<少林寺十大名拳>之梅花拳的拍摄和《少林寺传统武功秘籍》的整理编写。
一九九九年 参加加拿大多伦多世界武术大赛,获少林拳金奖。
二000年 應邀俄羅斯電視台拍攝有關少林武術文化紀錄片。
二00一年 获“全国少林拳大赛”傳統拳术,棍术第一名。
二00二年 被中國國家體育總局考核,認可為合格“摔跤教練”和 “拳擊教練”。經中國國家體育總局考核,評定為“國家武術六段” 。
二00三年 带领少林武僧在马来西亚吉隆坡为华人学校筹款慈善義演。
二00四年 获中国郑州”首届世界传统武术”大赛,少林拳第一名,棍术第二名。
二00四年 赴美国旧金山任“中国嵩山少林寺三藩市分院”住持,及成立 “三藩市少林寺基金會”。
二00五年 获美國加洲政府嘉奖。及获美國加洲三藩市政府嘉奖,並定三藩市于5月12日为释果松日。
二00七年 四月受美国著名芭蕾舞团Alonzo Kings Lines Ballet邀请,合演“长河高空”舞剧,这是首次将中国少林武术元素融入芭蕾艺术,在三藩市演出获得极大成功。
二00七年 六月被萬錦市政府,萬錦市加華聯會以及安省回教協會邀请出席加拿大萬锦市第五届萬锦市嘉年华活动Taste Of Asia 2007作表演嘉宾。
二00七年 七月参与表演由萬锦市政府举办的庆祝国庆活动。
二00七年 十一月於加拿大多倫多成立“少林寺拳法學院”教授少林傳統功夫,少林氣功,靜坐, 推廣中國少林寺千年文化。
二00九年 於加拿大多倫多成立“少林羅漢堂”非牟利慈善機構,幫助貧困弱小,幫助病患人士,培育武術人才。
二0一0年 帶同多倫多學生於加拿大萬锦市第八屆萬錦市嘉年華活動Taste Of Asia 2010作少林武術演出。
二0一一年 致力推廣兒童靜坐,培育青少年德智身心的健康成長,增加學習上的專注力,幫助孩子啟發智慧。就此題目接受加拿大新時代電視之專訪節目《大城小聚》訪問。
二0一三年 接受加拿大CBC電視台之《Master of the City》記錄片拍攝。
二0一三年 開辨養生拉筋課程,免費教授耆老及長期痛症患者舒筋活胳。
二0一四年 帶同加拿大多倫多及滿地可共35名學生前往中國鄭州參與第十屆中國鄭州國際少林武術節功夫比賽,取得優異成績合共獎牌六十多敉。
二0一五年 率領學生參與加拿大國家電視台舉辦之《海外春晚》演出, 獲得<優異編導獎>, 及少林功夫<優異節目獎>。
二0一五年 接受加拿大新時代電視-新楓采專欄節目拍攝個人故事短片。
二0一六年 率領學生參與加拿大國家電視台舉辦之《海外春晚》演出, 獲得<最佳網絡人氣獎>, 及<優秀節目獎>。
二0一七年 率領學生參與由加拿大國家電視台主辦“百家華人社團共慶加拿大建國150週年暨<我愛加拿大>全球電視直播大型晚會”節目演出助慶。同年帶領150名學生參與支持慶祝加拿大建國150週年活動演出, 获加拿大安省烈治文山市政府嘉奖。
二0一八年 帶領51名學生前往中國香港參加第十三屆香港國際武術比賽,取得優異成績合共獎牌一百三十敉,一名B組男子個人全能第五名,最住運動團隊獎,五位運動員獲頒最佳運動員,三歲小隊員獲頒神童獎。
二0二0年 應“加中青少年文化藝術協會” 邀請率領學生參與拍攝《武漢加油》宣傳片,支持中國武漢抗疫。
Master Shi Guo Song
34th generation Shaolin Wushu (Martial Arts) monk
7th generation Shaolin Fo Han Boxing Master
One of the Ten Famous Arhats (Top Temple Guards) in Shaolin Temple, Songshan Mountain, Dengfeng, Henan Province, China; hold the post of the Chief Coach of Shaolin martial arts monk group.
Guo Song began learning martial arts at the age of six and was accepted into the Shaolin Temple, Songshan Mountain, Dengfeng, Henan Province, China at the age of thirteen. Under Shaolin martial arts monk Master Shi Yong Ding, he studied Shaolin Kung Fu, whereas he also studied Buddhism and become a monk under Master Shi Sheng Ci.
Guo Song has been trained in martial arts for over 25 years and has mastered many different martial arts styles, including Shaolin boxing and weaponry. He has been invited to visit over twenty foreign countries such as Malaysia, Japan, Korea, America, Canada, Germany to perform martial arts for cultural exchange.
1992 visit Singapore with “Shaolin Buddhist Cultural Delegation” of Songshan Shaolin Temple for cultural of Buddhist and martial arts exchange.
1993 he won the championship of the male sword in China North and South Shaolin Wushu (martial art Competition.
1995 visited Canada with Martial Arts Monk group and participate in a multi-cultural function to perform Martial Arts, in Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton, and Vancouver.
1996 he founded the Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute in Deng Fong, Henan, China
1997 he has been invited by Japan Shaolin Quanfa (boxing) Association to participate in their 50thAnniversary Conference for Martial Arts exchange.
1998 on teaching martial arts tour around Italy
1998 he was awarded one of “Shaolin Ten Greatest Martial Arts Boxing Style” Boxer and was given the title of “Shaolin Eighteen Luohan (Arhat)” by Shaolin Temple (China). Invited to join TV Learning Video Production of “Shaolin Ten Greatest Martial Arts Boxing Style – Mei Hua Quan”. Help to edit the book “Shaolin Temple Tradition Wushu Encyclopaedia”.
1999 he won the Gold Prize of male boxing in the Wushu (martial arts) World Tournament in Canada
2000 invited by Russia TV to take part in a documentary about the culture of Shaolin martial arts.
2001 he was awarded championship of China Dengdian Cup National Shaolin Martial Arts Contest in male Boxing and Cudgel Playing
2002 he was recognized as a qualified Wrestling Coach and a qualified Boxing Coach by National Athletic Bureau in China.6th Degree Expert (Dan) as acknowledged by the National Athletic Bureau in China.
2003 leaded Shaolin Martial Arts Monks in Malaysia to perform Martial Arts for Chinese School Fundraising.
2004 he was awarded championship of The First World Traditional Wushu (martial arts) Festival in male Boxing and 2nd runner up in Cudgel Playing
2004 Abbot of “China Songshan Shaolin Temple” in San Francisco U.S.A. and founded the “Shaolin Foundation” in San Francisco U.S.A.
2005 awarded by the Government of USA California. Also awarded by the Government of San Francisco proclaimed May 12 as a “Master Guo Song Day” in San Francisco.
2007 he has been invited by US Alonzo King Lines Ballet to participate in the opera “Long River High Sky”. This is the first time Chinese Shaolin Martial Arts fused with ballet. And the performance in San Francisco resulted in great success.
2007 June – he has been invited by Canada city of Markham, Federation of Chinese Canadians in Markham and Association of Progressive Muslims of Ontario to perform Shaolin Martial Arts in the event 5th Anniversary of Taste of Asia 2007.
2007 July – invited by the City of Markham Government to perform Shaolin Martial Arts in National Day.
2007 he founded the Shaolin Temple Quanfa Institute in Toronto, Canada, taught Shaolin Wushu, Qi Gong, Meditation, and promote China Shaolin Temple culture.
2009 founded Shaolin Luohan Temple non-profit charity organization in Toronto, Canada; helped weakness, valetudinarians, and raising these engrossed with Wushu (martial arts).
2010 June – lead his students in Toronto to perform in the event 8th Anniversary of Taste of Asia 2010.
2011 promote “Children Meditation”, help to further develop os children’s wisdom and enhance the concentration on learning. By this topic, he has been interviewed by Fairchild Television of Canada.
2013 invited by CBC Television of Canada to take part in a documentary “Master of the City”, to promote Shaolin traditional martial arts and the spirit of “Chan”.
2013 to start “Stretching Exercise” free class for seniors and chronic pain sufferers to help them improve the quality of life.
2014 October – leaded 35 students from Markham, Toronto, and Montreal school to compete in the 10th International Shaolin Wushu Festival at Zhengzhou. China. The event attracted 1870 athletes from 63 countries, we have brought over 60 medals back to Canada.
2015 leaded his students to perform in the “2015 CNTV Chinese New Year Gala” of Canada National TV, and gains awards for < The Best Choreographer for 2015>, <The Excellent Program for 2015>.
2015 invited by Fairchild Television of Canada to take part in a documentary “Mandarin Profile” to share his experience of his Chan and Kung Fu life.
2016 leaded his students to perform in the “2016 CNTV Chinese New Year Gala” of Canada National TV, and gains awards for <Excellent Program Award>, <Most Popular Program Online>.
2017 leaded his students to celebrate 150th Canada, to perform in “The Chinese Communities Celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Canada Live TV Gala and also leaded 150 students to support the Government of Canada Ontario Richmond Hill to celebrate 150th Canada, to perform in the community activity “The Richmond Hill Times Square Summer Carnival 2017”. Awarded by the Government of Canada Ontario Richmond Hill.
2018 August – leaded 51 students to complete the 13th Hong Kong International Wushu Competition at Hong Kong, China. The event attracted over 2 thousand athletes, we have brought over 130 medals back to Canada, Best Sports Team, 5 Athletes are awarded Best Athlete Award, 1 Athlete achieved 5th place in Group B Men’s All-rounded Performance, 3 years old Athlete is awarded Kungfu Wonder Kid.
2020 February – as invited by Red Ocean Group’s Canada China Youth Art, led Kungfu students to participate in shooting a promotional video to support Wuhan, China in fighting COVID-19.